

Google to take Analytics Mobile with In-Depth App Reports, Android App

Google to take Analytics Mobile with In-Depth App Reports, Android App:
Google is on a roll, these days. Change is inevitable, they say. Change is incessant, Google says.
Google amidst the recent development is keen to bring its analytics chops to mobile apps. By the courtesy of Mobile App Analytics, now iOS and Android developers across the world would be able to avail in-depth insights and app reports. Keeping a track on downloads, conversions and in-app purchases just got simpler and better. Thanks to Google God.
As we speak, Google Analytics Mobile App- Beta version has already been launched in the PlayStore along with Mobile App Analytics which would be available for download on the PlayStore.
Needs are increasing day-by-day and that’s what is complicating apps from the interaction perspective. Reading people’s expectations and standing out on them is inevitably the success mantra of developing a top-notch app.
Google Analytics Products Manager, JiaJing Wang said “Sophisticated measurement tools become important as they allow app developers and marketers to measure and iterate on the user experience they bring to people. In order to devise a better product, they absolutely need to measure the end-to-end value after developing and marketing an app,”
The product reports would thereby be broke into three categories: acquisition/users, engagement and outcomes. With acquisition and users analysis report, developers would be able to view the new users which download their apps, the operating system they are running, the country to which they belong and whether they landed on your download page via a mobile display ad.
The engagement reports would showcase the amount of time a user spends with an app, what screens he viewed and also what path he follows from screen to screen. Not to mention, it also sends reports app-crashes and occasional network-timeouts.
And lastly through outcomes, developers can set goals and keep a check on how well they are monetizing from the app. If it’s a ticket-booking app, the amount of tickets booked or it’s a trading app, it shows the total in-app purchases.
Initially, the web and mobile app analytics would be different but plans have been laid out to integrate both of them at a later stage, so that both developers and marketers can get a better view of how their websites actually work.
Isn’t Google amazing?

1 comment:

  1. Which download their apps, the operating system they are running, the country to which they belong and whether they landed on your download page via a mobile display ad.

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