

Check out all the features of Google Now on the freshly minted landing page

Check out all the features of Google Now on the freshly minted landing page:

What is Google Now? Well, in case you were sleeping during Wednesday’s Google I/O keynote when it was introduced, here’s a quick refresher. Google Now is a new feature of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean that uses various resources to give you information on your Android device, even before you ask for it.

Depending on your location, search history, calendar and time, Google Now presents you with a series of “cards” showing you with information like weather, distance to your next appointment or a restaurant you searched for. Out of town? It will pull up info such as the current time back home, or exchange rates and quick translations. All this and more, and Google is just getting started. We can’t wait to see what features Google has in store for Now. And before you’re worried about privacy, of course it’s all opt-in, if you don’t enable it, Google doesn’t use your data.
Check out all the features of Google Now at the new landing page.

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