

Microsoft buys every 'Smart Glass' domain it can think of, E3 goers nod approvingly

Microsoft buys every 'Smart Glass' domain it can think of, E3 goers nod approvingly:
Microsoft buys every 'Smart Glass' domain it can think of, E3 goers nod approvingly A wise thing to do right before you launch a new product? Vacation, if we're being honest. But if we're being forced to pick another, we'd say registering domain names germane to said product ain't a half bad idea, either. Microsoft has seemingly snapped up a healthy few "Smart Glass"-related domains, giving us more reason to believe that the whispers we've been hearing about a wireless streaming doodad have some merit. With E3 festivities kicking off this evening, we're guessing it's just a matter of time before the list (shown after the break) stops forwarding to Bing and starts forwarding to... well, awesomeness. Refresh fingers ready?
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