

PlayStation Vita YouTube app incoming

PlayStation Vita YouTube app incoming:
Very soon, PlayStation Vita owners will be able to watch talking cats and laughing babies without needing to break out their smartphone, laptop, or iPad. Of course, this won’t be reason enough to ditch those handy items but it will be a nice mid-game distraction to hop on over to the PlayStation Vita YouTube app as soon as it launches later this month.

It’s part of Sony’s strategy to sell the Vita as more than just a gaming device, and to prove that it can be competitive in the same space as smartphones and tablets, when analysts left and right are saying that dedicated portable gaming systems are on the way out. The Vita also has apps like Skype, Netflix, and nico nico. The YouTube app will be available at the end of June, according to Sony.
“With the YouTube application on PS Vita, you can watch millions of YouTube videos on the stunning 5” OLED screen, from comedy to gaming tips to today’s viral trends. The YouTube application features many of the functions you’re already familiar with – you can easily search for videos, choose favorites and make comments, and your personal YouTube account is available right on your PS Vita,” the company wrote in a blog post.
[via PlayStation Blog]

PlayStation Vita YouTube app incoming is written by Mark Raby & originally posted on SlashGear.
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