

Refining the recommended system requirements for Windows 8

Refining the recommended system requirements for Windows 8:

Does this aging PC have what it takes to run Windows 8 well?

Windows 8 Release Preview

Microsoft’s official line for Windows 8 is that it has been designed to run on all hardware that is capable of running Windows 7. Thanks to thorough optimization efforts by Microsoft and the continued availability of a 32-bit version, this is largely true—Microsoft’s official system requirements for the new operating system are identical to those of Windows 7.
Those minimum system requirements only tell part of the story, though, and there’s a wide gap between a system that can run Windows 8 and a system that can run it well, particularly when it comes to Metro and Metro apps. We’ll go through all of Microsoft’s requirements one by one and tell you what you’re actually going to want to use to run Windows 8.


Microsoft says: 1 GHz or faster
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