

Samsung Galaxy S III Kernel Source Released

Samsung Galaxy S III Kernel Source Released: Samsung
As we previously mentioned, the Samsung Galaxy S III has had more than its fair share of excitement. From firmware leaks, to ported apps, and then the official firmware release continues. To say the device has seem some activity is an understatement.
Now, Samsung has released the GPL-compliant kernel source code for the device, which enables kernel developers to start creating the custom kernels we know and love. In order to make things more convenient for future SGS3 kernel developers, XDA Recognized Developer cdesai has mirrored Samsung’s official release on Github in an effort to provide more efficient code access to developers. The code is split up into several independent branches, breaking it up into unmodified and modified—with the modified being labeled as master, which developers can use for future tweaks and bug fixes.
For more information, head over to the original thread.

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