

Nintendo to have a pre-E3 launch event online

Nintendo to have a pre-E3 launch event online:

The gaming industry is going through a lot of changes. There are new titles flowing into the collection everyday and the current gaming console manufacturers are inventing new ways of making their offering the best in the class. Sony recently decided to take all its Play Station One and Play Station 2 titles online and letting users enjoy the classic titles online. Microsoft, on the other hand, seems to have been resting in peace when it comes to gaming. The Windows team of the Redmond operating system giant has been busy getting ready different editions of the new operating system, Windows 8.
Nintendo, on the other hand, is very busy and seems to be a lot more excited about its new upcoming gaming console, the new version of Wii U. The company has big event and show off at the E3 event coming up, but the company seems to be too much excited to wait until then. So it has organised an online broadcast where the company will be briefing about the Wii U, probably the new features till will be coming with and all that stuff. If you are wondering, the online broadcast is tomorrow.
Tomorrow, the company’s president Satoru Iwata, will pre presenting the broadcast. Coming to the main deal, we have seen a leak of the new Wii U controller which has been changed to some good extent by the company. Probably it is time for the company to talk about this. And also, there may be some new titles coming with the new console. It would be really great if we see some awesome first person shooters along with the new controller. The analog stick on the new Wii U controller will be really awesome to play with. Do you not think so?
Whatever the case many be, one thing is for sure. Nintendo will be giving a lot of good competition to Sony in the gaming industry with the new gaming console. Sony has to do something really great with the Sony Play Station 4, if it is already working on it.

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